“Muffins are so very important because they’re the very best way to eat a piece of cake for breakfast without everybody asking if you’re okay.” – Jonathan Edward Durham

"Muffins are so very important because they're the very best way to eat a piece of cake for breakfast without everybody asking if you're okay." - Jonathan Edward Durham


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Purchase Your Copy of Quotable Sketches – The Book


I started Quotable Sketches when I was looking for creative inspiration.

Finding Quotes about art, creativity and success was a good place to begin, and I decided to challenge myself by sketching the person who originated the saying. It turned out that seeing the face of the individual behind the quote made it more relatable and drawing them in pen and ink made for a very satisfying challenge. I ended up posting the sketches on my social media and on Webtoons, and Quotable Sketches was born.

Now Five-hundred or so sketches (and a couple thousand followers) later, I decided to gather my favorite quotes and sketches into a book. I chose quotes that I thought I would have appreciated the most back when I was first looking for that original bit of inspiration. Some of the sayings are from artists, writers, and other creative folk; others are about inspiration, perseverance, and success. And a few of them are included here just because they make me laugh.

I hope you find these collected sketches and quotes to be interesting, inspiring, and fun.